Dawnthieves provides quality photography of wolves and other predators that is free to use for non-profit, creative and educational purposes. You are free to share and manipulate our photography as long as you follow these simple rules:
- you must give appropriate credit (name the photographer) and provide a link to the website (best would be a link to the detail view of the photo you used)
- you are not allowed to use our photography for commercial purposes (this also includes virtual currencies like deviantArt points or commissions in general)
While it would be unfair towards us photographers to earn money from something we offered for free, there is another important legal reason as to why we do not allow commercial usage: We have no right to do so. All photos in this gallery were taken in wildlife parks and zoos and therefore any commercial agreement would have to be made with the respective organisation AND the photographer. So please just don't or you might risk that legal action will be taken.
All photography on this website has been taken by the respective photographer.
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